Today I went to the state hospital where the convicted Madonna Stalker, Robert Dewey Hoskins is housed. He has been in prison since September 2011 for vandalism. Before this case, he was in jail 10 years for stalking Madonna, and assaulting her bodyguard. I had met him 2 years ago through a friend. Hoskins wanted me to create a website for him, to explain his side of the story. The site was never finished, and that's why went to see him today. Hoskins couldn't pay me to finish the site, but all of the content he gave me; videos, writings, memoirs, etc will be in my documentary film about him, and erotomania.
It took a long time for me to arrange this meeting, officials at the hospital would not allow me to see him unless I was family. I showed them documents that he and I had a business arrangement in the past. The chief officer was real cool and let me go into the facility to meet Hoskins. At first he did not recognize me, then he said, oh yea I remember you, the web guy. We talk for a few minutes, he looked desheveled & a bit confused. I asked him, did he remember why he was in jail. He says, he was on there for nothing. I informed him, he was on for vandalism, desecration of a tombstone. He said, oh....yea I was on drugs, I was trying to raise the dead. Wow. He told me he has a job in the hospital, and he has a girlfriend. Double wow, he's doing better on the in, then he ever was on the outs. I told him I'm producing a movie on him, & he said great. I told him once he is released to contact me, and I can help get him the mental help he needs. Like I stated in my CBS interview, he is a cool guy. Minus the drugs, and delusions, we can hang out & have a beer. I don't fear him, but don't trust him. I think he knows who to play that crazy role with. I am not the one. Nonetheless, I hope this guy can get his life in order, before its too late. If he has a girlfriend, then maybe she can keep his mind off Madonna for a while. I'll keep you posted, but defintely check for my movie L.U.V. for Keeps: The Story of Madonnas Stalker, dropping next month on
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