Sunday, May 13, 2012

Child endangerment, somebody call John Walsh

I have a person on my Facebook, who to me is a real f*cked up person. Just in time for mothers day; I need to share this story.

A few months ago, this person, we will just call her Mamie, had babysat for a friend of hers. The baby is like 2 years old, & for some reason, he doesn't like Mamie. The mother of the child is friends with Mamie & trust her with her child. Mamie watches the baby for a few hours. In the process of babysitting, Mamie has to go to the store, and LEAVES THE BABY IN THE CAR, ON A HOT ASS DAY, FOR ALMOST AN HOUR. The police was notified, the child was taken into child protective services. Mamie is charged with child endangerment. The mother gets her child back, explaining to CPS that she didn't know Mamie took the child away from the home.

Fast forward few weeks ago, Mamie goes back to her friend she had babysat for. Mamie wants to go to the club with her friend that she had babysat for, but Mamies friend doesn't have a babysitter. Mamies friend really didn't want to go to the club, but Mamie doesn't want to go alone. Mamie convinces her friend to go to the club with her, and leave the baby at home, ALONE, since he was sleep. They both go to the club, & left the baby home alone.
The baby wakes up after a few hours, and is crying, looking for his mother. The baby goes outside and cries up & down the hallway of the apartment complex. Neighbors see the baby in the hallway & call the police. The child was taken into child protective services. The mother was notified & charged with child endangerment....she sat in jail for a few days. The baby is still in a foster home.

Mamie messed this boys life up. What's your take on this story? I wanna talk about it. WolfTix radio 3 pm Wednesday 424-235-4EIN

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