Django Unchained was released Xmas 2012. Some people are talking about the movie Django, being a black empowerment movie. Why? Is it because the main character killed whites? I don't feel murdering people as empowering. Let's discuss it. Hit me up on
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
An Encounter with The Convicted Madonna Stalker
Today I went to the state hospital where the convicted Madonna Stalker, Robert Dewey Hoskins is housed. He has been in prison since September 2011 for vandalism. Before this case, he was in jail 10 years for stalking Madonna, and assaulting her bodyguard. I had met him 2 years ago through a friend. Hoskins wanted me to create a website for him, to explain his side of the story. The site was never finished, and that's why went to see him today. Hoskins couldn't pay me to finish the site, but all of the content he gave me; videos, writings, memoirs, etc will be in my documentary film about him, and erotomania.
It took a long time for me to arrange this meeting, officials at the hospital would not allow me to see him unless I was family. I showed them documents that he and I had a business arrangement in the past. The chief officer was real cool and let me go into the facility to meet Hoskins. At first he did not recognize me, then he said, oh yea I remember you, the web guy. We talk for a few minutes, he looked desheveled & a bit confused. I asked him, did he remember why he was in jail. He says, he was on there for nothing. I informed him, he was on for vandalism, desecration of a tombstone. He said, oh....yea I was on drugs, I was trying to raise the dead. Wow. He told me he has a job in the hospital, and he has a girlfriend. Double wow, he's doing better on the in, then he ever was on the outs. I told him I'm producing a movie on him, & he said great. I told him once he is released to contact me, and I can help get him the mental help he needs. Like I stated in my CBS interview, he is a cool guy. Minus the drugs, and delusions, we can hang out & have a beer. I don't fear him, but don't trust him. I think he knows who to play that crazy role with. I am not the one. Nonetheless, I hope this guy can get his life in order, before its too late. If he has a girlfriend, then maybe she can keep his mind off Madonna for a while. I'll keep you posted, but defintely check for my movie L.U.V. for Keeps: The Story of Madonnas Stalker, dropping next month on
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Child endangerment, somebody call John Walsh
I have a person on my Facebook, who to me is a real f*cked up person. Just in time for mothers day; I need to share this story.
A few months ago, this person, we will just call her Mamie, had babysat for a friend of hers. The baby is like 2 years old, & for some reason, he doesn't like Mamie. The mother of the child is friends with Mamie & trust her with her child. Mamie watches the baby for a few hours. In the process of babysitting, Mamie has to go to the store, and LEAVES THE BABY IN THE CAR, ON A HOT ASS DAY, FOR ALMOST AN HOUR. The police was notified, the child was taken into child protective services. Mamie is charged with child endangerment. The mother gets her child back, explaining to CPS that she didn't know Mamie took the child away from the home.
Fast forward few weeks ago, Mamie goes back to her friend she had babysat for. Mamie wants to go to the club with her friend that she had babysat for, but Mamies friend doesn't have a babysitter. Mamies friend really didn't want to go to the club, but Mamie doesn't want to go alone. Mamie convinces her friend to go to the club with her, and leave the baby at home, ALONE, since he was sleep. They both go to the club, & left the baby home alone.
The baby wakes up after a few hours, and is crying, looking for his mother. The baby goes outside and cries up & down the hallway of the apartment complex. Neighbors see the baby in the hallway & call the police. The child was taken into child protective services. The mother was notified & charged with child endangerment....she sat in jail for a few days. The baby is still in a foster home.
Mamie messed this boys life up. What's your take on this story? I wanna talk about it. WolfTix radio 3 pm Wednesday 424-235-4EIN
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Message!!!! Stand your ground ain't working if you are black or brown
Marissa Alexander Sentenced To 20 Years In Stand Your Ground Controversy | Breaking News for Black America
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
L.A. RADIO is dead
Yea, I said it, radio is weak. Even the term RADIO is like saying, hey, you heard that new TAPE? Radio has gone in the way of the 8 Track, or the cassette, and the soon to be CD..........
L.A. Radio (terrestrial radio) has nothing to offer. No local show, most are in syndication, no good music; in my opinion, same playlist. SUCKS!!!!!! Hell I can only bump my mp3 player 4 so long. I need something NEW, FRESH AF....innovative.
I guess you can say I'm a bit biased, because I have an internet radio show on the EXCLUSIVEINFO.NET or the Exclusive Information Network called WOLFTIX........(search the HASHTAG) I haven't been staying true to the namesake, but I will go in, and go hard on any and all subjects, topics, and news-stories. But yea I'm biased, but it is real ........the death of regular radio is eminent. People will soon have smart phone with apps that can stream anything to them via the web. An internet radio show can potentially have millions of listeners, (or viewers if u TINYCHAT your show like I this is due to android phones, iphones, laptops, tablets and PCs. Now, a lot of newer cars come equip with phone adapters to broadcast to your car stereo system, some even have apps, so you can download SHOUTCAST, or LIVE365 and listen to whatever you want. Yo, basically, it's on and cracking for internet radio. Although I had one of my PROFESSIONAL HATERS inform me last week "Man, everybody has an internet radio show. I got 3 people on my facebook that has one" to my reply, "SO". Opinions are like buttholes, and everybody's got 1, but not everyone has their own show, or station.
So, this is like the WILD WEST, new frontier for ya. My partners and I are like pioneers in this realm. WE CAN PLAY A SONG REQUEST INSTANTLY with one tweet, or facebook comment. YOU CAN CALL IN, speak to a DJ or HOST LIVE, UNCENSORED and RAW!!!! Stay Tune and peep what we will give ya!!!!!!!! or tweet me @Wolftix, make a request, hit the chatroom, 3pm
etc etc etc, enough of my rant tho........ If you are interested in looking at what the rated all the LA Radio stations, peep it
if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, come get some of that freshness. WE PLAY WHAT YOU SAY!!!!!! WolfTix Radio!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Downtown L.A.
wow I remember when downtown la was filled with theaters along broadway, homeless people sleeping at the cameo , and skid row . people actually live here now .
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Life So Far
my life's
confusing like ....
a rubik's cube mean mug no smile, think I'm the rudest dude
come & take a rendezvous look at my life hear it thru this tune
wasn't raised no dummy no money came up in the slum
in my chromosomes genecticist couldn’t tell you where I'm from
see all I had was moms, pops rarely raise me relatives were crazy
nam vets, reagonomics, scarface, inflation were the early eighty's
steady, staying in a school or some books they would say that I was gifted
all my mother's children pumped yay, except for me I lifted
paid attention to the destruction fucking dealing with the drama
watched older siblings credit work to their own moma
evil as osama, at night a zombie not tucking me
member when cps came & snatched us out of her custody
group home 2 foster home til I was grown & on my own
no real family support chronic homelessness lived n a old brogham
emotional scars just made it real hard &
even when I post on the ave & slept on the blvd
I never had fear in my heart/Let’s get this 1 thing straight from the start
Steadily shooting these darts/Thank god that I’m keen that I’m smart
I wish I just can press restart/My life it’s just coming apart
Shakespearian tragedy plot/I’m still waiting for the good part I’m PUSHING
South Central in the 90’s genocide and High Crimes
Watching uncles & cousins, friends all die from them drive bys
This shits insane it gets stranger childhood friends turn to bangers
Or coka slangers sign of the times throw the hood up twistin fingers
Aware of them dangers war on drugs & crimes a joke
Saw the riffs myself roll up smoke jack you up & plant that dope
18 years old with no hope no job education I’m a destitute
Living out my backpack slept on buses washed up in restaurant bathrooms
By 21 I’m done L.A. county jail frequent visits
Use to be flinching scary as a child now I’m far from timid
Played the got damn games in scrimmage got my own tilt now I’m winning
But losing folk left & right to the graveyard or life sentence
By the time 25 earned stripes but it’s far & few OG’s here on the streets
So these young boys now on the scene emulate wankstas they hear on CD
That’s just more man hours for the PD incarcerating short burns like a bidi
The little homie got 3 B.M.’s & he only 16 catching every STD
Tried to stay calm but the hood pressured me, tried to move to Palmdale, a hood refugee
But I came back love the smell of gunsmoke ghettobirds, pitbulls ugh, the 323
Plus I don’t know no other place, this is where I’m probably gonna die
Don’t need your sympathy pity tears I’ll just laugh at yall
Cuz my experiences made me harder than half of yall
wolves2Earth Publishing 2012