Sunday, January 20, 2013

The laws & the games politicians play

Barack Obama is to be sworn in on Martin Luther Kings birthday. He will use two bibles, one that King used & one Lincoln used.

We will discuss the next 4 years of his presidency, his policies, and gun control. The president wants to enact new gun laws & restrictions on who can get a weapon in response to the Sandy Hook massacre. How come these gun laws are being talked about now? Black &Brown kids have been dying for years by guns, but no gun laws enacted. Sounds like a setup to me.

Holla at me, leave a comment, call in and discuss. 424-235-4346

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Religion & Rap

Eminem is now a born again Christian. The Game raps about Jesus in his latest album Jesus Piece. Hip Hop & the holy word has a strange matrimony, & it will get deeper now that churches all over see how the youth gravitates towards Hip Hop, & they need new members to attract. Give me your 2 cents on this topic, listen & join me live on Wednesday on WolfTix Radio on or on Facebook search WolfTix. Call in 424-235-4346 Wednesday 3pm PST